In 1979, I heard a talk on tape by Mother Angelica. She is now the founder of EWTN (television network). At that time, until I heard the tape I had never heard of her. Yet in her talk she said something that stopped me in my tracks. And that was, “Our Order gives God equal time.” This was a pretty radical statement for me to hear since I would spend about 3-4 hours a day in prayer at the time and most of my prayer, I realized, was instructing God on what I wanted Him to do for me and others! I was kind of like the bumper sticker, “Everyone wants to serve God, but only in an advisory position.” I decided, “I need to listen to God. I’m the one who is doing all the talking. O dear!” Well, as a God-incident in my life, that Friday our Pastor, Monsieur Fred Florek, asked if I would be willing to spend time in front of The Blessed Sacrament in prayer. He was hoping to get people there for prayer ach hour of the week. My response to Father Fred, “sure, I’ll start Monday after Mass.”
I have come to realize there are no co-incidences in my life, only God-incidences. I recruited my friends Helen and Nancy for the hour as well. After Mass we went into the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. As we sat in silence, for the first time in my life, I heard the Lord’s voice. He began to say, “Write this…”, when He said that to me I began to panic! “O dear, just a minute Lord,” I responded. “I don’t have a pen!” My thoughts were, “O dear, O dear, God is telling me to write and I don’t have a pen!” I whispered to Helen and asked to borrow a pen, all the while saying to God; “Please wait, I don’t have a pen!” I have no paper in my purse, but ripped out a Bank Deposit Ticket and began to write what God was saying to me. I heard Him say, “What I am saying is sure and will come true. It is already done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give water from the Well of Life, free to anybody who is thirsty.” My heart was pounding. I didn’t know what to think of this and wasn’t sure what to do. Was this really God?
I had to admit it was the first time I had ever listened to Him. Later that morning we had a Bible study in my home and one of the women said she had awakened in the middle of the night and opened to Revelation and wanted to share the Scripture with us that she had read. She began, “Write this, what I am saying…” I was astounded! She read from Revelation 21:5-6 and it was what God had spoken to me! I went to my purse and pulled out the Bank Deposit Ticket and shared what happened to me. If we are willing to listen, God will instruct us, teach us and advise us.