“In Your presence is fullness and joy.” Psalm 16:11
At times we might hear ourselves thinking, “I could be happy if only…!” We might even speak our discontent out loud and become a “St. Complainuis.” (That is actually a saint’s name I made up one time to describe a complaining Christian.) Until a person comes into a personal relationship with Jesus it is easy to have a complaining attitude. (To have a personal relationship with Jesus is so easy. You simply invite Jesus to come into your heart. It is a response to His own invitation, “ Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him/her , and will dine with him/her and he/she with Me.” Revelation 3:20)
From my own experience this is a life-changing event! I finally invited Jesus into my heart when I was 35 years old. No one until that point, had ever told me that Jesus wanted a personal relationship with me! I knew about Jesus. I loved Jesus. I believed in Jesus’ saving power of love for us on the cross. But I didn’t know He loved me so much that He wanted to have a relationship with me. The fullness of God’s joy came into my heart the day I invited Jesus in. He said, “I have told you this so that My own joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full.” John 15:11 No longer do you need to find joy in earthly things. When you have Jesus and His presence in your heart, you have the fullness of joy!