The fastest and most succinct prayer I know in time of trouble is, “O, God, please help me!” The shorter version is also very effective, “Help!”
My sister and I had an experience of being in trouble when a tornado was coming our way. We had been warned by her son that it was coming. She has at one time lived in Kansas and so knew what a person was supposed to do when a tornado was coming. Since we were in a Recreational Vehicle Camp, we quickly ran out of the motor home and headed for a ditch. The idea was we must lay down low and then the tornado would blow over us. The thought came to me, “I have given you authority over everything.” (Luke 10:19) (I think this was my shortened version of the Scripture while I was under the duress of the tornado.) At that thought I stood and so did my sister and we together rebuked the tornado and commanded that it go around us. At the time I pictured my sister and I as prophets of old in the midst of the terrible elements. Lo and behold, the tornado turned. Of course, what came to mind was the question, “that really wasn’t us using prayer and authority was it?” The Lord said to me, “The sign that I acted on your behalf is that your clothes will be dry.” And even though it was raining my clothes were dry. I was astounded! Today I give God honor and glory for rescuing us in our day of trouble.” I have pondered this in my heart and wonder at God’s great love.