Women's Christian Fellowship
Prayer After Communion
By Angie Lake
Dear Lord Jesus, through faith and by your great grace and mercy, I believe through your life, death and resurrection, you have washed me clean of my sins. I believe that through faith and the waters of baptism, I belong to you and am growing in holiness by the power of your Holy Spirit.
I believe that you are truly present with me in this communion meal, Lord Jesus, and I now receive you into my body and my soul. (For those who are unable to receive physically at this time – let this be a spiritual communion for you.)
I believe that you are present in body, blood, soul and divinity under the appearance of this bread and wine which has been consecrated through prayer and now transubstantiated into your very body and blood. I believe in the power of this Eucharistic/Communion Meal to heal me and to make me whole once again. By your precious body and blood and by your Word and I ask that you stir up the graces necessary to heal me through this Eucharist. May I know, O Lord, the power of your presence with me as I receive you. Let the reality of your presence transform me and make me into the person you want me to be. I pray that I will be a witness for your honor and for your glory. Amen.