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Healing of the Family

(by Fr. Michael Barry, SSCC)

Basic Truths:

The Mass is the most powerful prayer that has been given to us by Jesus Himself.

“Deliverance from evil” – Through the Lord’s Prayer we ask the Lord to free both the living and the dead from any bondage to evil.

Every family has defects, diseases and disgrace.  Every family is in need of healing.  Even Jesus’ own family.  (Matthew 1:2-16).

We are asking that the blood of Christ in the communion wine cleanse the blood lines of the living and the dead of all that blocks healthy life, especially breaking any hereditary seals and curses and by casting out any evil spirits; we thus obey Jesus’ injunction (Mark 16:17-18) not only to heal, but to cast out the evil one.

We were born and belong to the best of all possible families. This is the Wisdom of God.

We are asking the Lord to unite our baptismal waters with the baptismal waters of our past generations and to join these baptismal waters to the Water of the side of Jesus Christ that came out when He was hanging on the Cross.  And to let all these torrents of water and His Precious Blood wash our past generations, our present and the future generations, and to remove all the negative forces and replace them with God’s Love so that our present generations and the future generations will proclaim the word of God.

Procedure: These steps are necessary before you go to Stage 1

Step 1: Construct a family tree beginning with self and trace backwards on both levels, i.e. vertical and horizontal. After each person, identify some specific quality (brokenness) associated with that person.  To do this you must do your paper work.  Write it all down on paper so that you may be able to see it more clearly.

Step 2:Use some of the following areas and see if they apply to your family:

  • Broken Relationships (divorce, loners, family not speaking to each other, homosexuality, adultery)

  • Sexual Excesses (molestation, abuse, adultery, etc.)

  • Violent Behavior (wife/husband beating, family anger, hate, fighting-excessive)

  • Addiction (alcoholic, pornography, gambling, over-eating, other)

  • Deception (lies in the family over serious things, e.g., land, property, money, secrets, shame, etc.)

  • Deaths (violent, sudden, accidental, suicidal, unmourned deaths, war deaths, other)

  • Abortions (miscarriages)

  • Curses or False Vows and Promises

  • Occult (witchcraft, black magic, ouija boards, horoscopes, curanderos, other)

  • Secrets

  • Predominant Diseases

Step 3:This is one of the most important steps. In this step you identify persons and patterns. 

It is very important that you discover one or two predominant patterns in your family tree. Example:  a pattern could be divorce in your generation (brothers or sisters), past generations (mother, father) and/or your children. Divorce is with mother, daughter and granddaughter. Or, deaths happened to several brothers or father, uncle, son. That is how you establish a pattern. A pattern occurs when it happens at least three times.Next identify unforgiveness. Identify unforgiveness, especially specific persons that need to be forgiven or asked for forgiveness.


Stage I - The MassWhen you have completed step 1-3, then you would request a Mass to be offered for the specific patterns (no more than three) that your search has revealed.  There are seven times during the Mass in which we focus on the Family Tree.

  1. At the beginning:  We pray for forgiveness and forgive those who have offended us.  Forgiveness is not a feeling; it is an act of the will.

  2. At the prayer of the faithful: We pray for the breaking of curses and bondages in the family.

  3. At the Offertory: We pray for the healing of the specific patterns that you have identified.

  4. At the consecration:  We pray silently before the consecrated Lord for the healing of my family tree.

  5. At the remembrance of the dead: We release all the departed members of our family into the fullness of God’s love. We forgive them and ask their forgiveness for anything between us. And we want us all to be in the one family of God there and hereafter.

  6. After communion:  We pray the unity of our common adoption as God’s children especially through the Mass and sacraments. (Baptismal waters prayer).

Wherever possible each member of the family is anointed and prayed over. Stage II Usually within 3-5 days the Lord will show us what is being healed.  This is a “leading” from the Lord and should open us to more prayer, fasting and even more masses.  The Lord is now showing us what needs to be exposed to further healing.Stage IIIConsecrate your family and home to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


A Prayer For My Family Tree

Almighty God and Father I come before you in the Power of the Eucharist and in our common adoption by You, Our Father, through Jesus, Your Son.  I am broken, hurting and in deep pain.  I have wounds and pains that only you know their extent and the constant suffering that I endure.  Much of this has been caused by my own pride and sinfulness.  I ask your forgiveness Lord.  I pray the trust of your Word:  “. . . even though your sins be scarlet, they shall be made white as snow.” (Isaiah 1:18)

I embrace your forgiveness Lord Jesus, and pray that I can live in that forgiveness.  Heal my hardness of heart.  My Lord, your own family had much brokenness. My family too is dysfunctional. You overcame all of that by the Cross. Help me now and heal my family. Give me the desire and the courage to forgive all my family members in the different generations who have caused brokenness, hurt and shame. I ask this forgiveness too for harboring judgment, criticism and negativity against my family, both living and dead. Let any hurt or brokenness that has been transmitted through the generations now be healed by the love between the Father and the Son. With this in mind I especially now have the courage to forgive (Name).

Lord Jesus you freed so many from evil and evil spirits. Once again I beg you to break any evil that has held our family bound through the generations. In the name and power of Jesus Christ I break any curse, spell, evil intent or negativity that has overshadowed our blood lines and family lineage. With Jesus before me I plead His precious blood on all who in my heritage have been involved in witchcraft, sorcery, ouija boards or any other form of evil. I pray you Jesus to set them free and let the present and future generations be totally under your loving care and protection.

Mary, my mother, as I inherited you at the foot of Jesus’ Cross I now ask you to intercede with your Son for my family here on earth. I ask you to join me in my prayer and secure for my family the healing and freedom we desire. Ask your Son, Jesus, to send a special cordon of angels to our family to guard and protect us.

Finally, Heavenly Father, if I have neglected anything in my prayer for my family tree, may you bind us together in your love which first came to us through Jesus, Your Son, who is your Mercy.  

Heavenly Father have Mercy on our family always!       Amen.           

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