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Prayer for Baptism of the
Holy Spirit

(From The Life in the Spirit Seminars Team Manual  pg. 149)

Commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord:

  • Do you renounce Satan and all wrongdoing?

  • Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God? 

  • Do you believe Jesus died to free us from our sins and that he rose from the dead to bring us new life?

Will you follow Jesus as your Lord?

Lord Jesus Christ, I want to belong to you from now on.  I want to be free from the dominion of darkness and the rule of Satan, and I want to enter into your kingdom and be part of your covenant people.  I will turn away from all wrongdoing, and I will avoid everything that leads me to wrongdoing.  I ask you to forgive all the sins that I have committed.  I offer my life to you and I promise to obey you as my Lord.  I ask you to baptize me in the Holy Spirit. 

Guideline Prayer for Baptism of the Holy Spirit

By Angie Lake

Here is a guideline of how I pray for someone for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.  (Most of the time.)

First, I lead in a prayer to invite Jesus into their hearts if they haven’t yet done that. (Revelation 3:20)

Because Jesus is the One who baptizes in the Holy Spirit, I ask the person to ask Jesus to baptize them in His Holy Spirit. (Luke 11:9-13) Whoever asks will receive! Remember it is an act of faith not a feeling!

(Note: When we are baptized by water, we are baptized in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. We actually receive the Holy Spirit at that time. As the saying goes, we have the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit doesn’t have us! Since we are usually infants at our baptism in the Roman Catholic Church, we are unable to make a conscious verbal decision to profess our faith. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is an opportunity for us to yield ourselves to God’s will by professing our faith and by asking the Holy Spirit to take over our lives and asking Jesus to be Lord of our lives.)  (“No one can say Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit” 1 Corinthians 12:1-3). 

After praying the prayers on the previous page, I place my hands on their heads and I pray out loud asking that Jesus baptize them with His Holy Spirit and with Fire as promised in the Scriptures. (Matthew 3:11) I ask that Jesus fill them with His Holy Spirit and to send every good gift upon them. (Isaiah 11:1-2; Isaiah 61:1-3)

Make the Sign of the Cross on their Forehead:
Lay your hands on their head and ask God to give them a new mind in Christ Jesus.  1 Corinthians 2:16.  Pray God will manifest within them a desire to receive His sanctifying gifts promised at their Baptism.  (Please pour your Holy Spirit out upon them and fill them with your Holy Spirit Sanctifying gifts of Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, Counsel, Piety, Fortitude and Fear of the Lord.  Isaiah 11:1-2.  Lord please give them the Charismatic gifts of your Holy Spirit for the building up of the Body of Christ, Teaching with Wisdom, Preaching Instruction with Knowledge, Gift of Faith, Gift of Healing, Power of Miracles, Prophecy, Discernment, Praying in Tongues, Speaking in Tongues, Interpretation of Tongues.  1 Corinthians 12:4-11  May they have the Helmet of Salvation.)

Make the Sign of the Cross on their Eyes:
Ask God to give them eyes to see.  Ask for Spiritual Sight.  That God will give them eyes of understanding and eyes of compassion.  (Please give them eyes like Simeon and Anna “Mine eyes have seen the glory of the Lord”, eyes that see the Lord.)

Make the Sign of the Cross on their Ears:
Ask God to open their ears that they might hear His Word to them.  (Please give them ears to hear you, Lord, and to hear the cry of the poor.  You say, “My sheep hear my voice.”  John 10:27.)

Make the Sign of the Cross on their Nose:
Ask God to give them the sweet fragrance of Jesus’ presence with them.  (Please let them know the sweet fragrance of your love; may it permeate her/his being, Lord.  “Breathe over my garden, to spread Your sweet smell around.”  Song of Songs 4:16; “He shall bloom like the lily . . .He will have the fragrance of Lebanon.”)

Make the Sign of the Cross on their Mouth:
Ask God to given them mouths, tongues and voice boxes that will proclaim His glory, His Word, His Truth.  (Please enable her/him to boldly speak Your Word, Lord.  May she/he be enabled to pray in tongues, speak in tongues, interpret tongues, teach Your Word, and preach with Wisdom.  May she/he use her/his mouth to encourage, edify, affirm and exhort!  May praise fill her/his mouth.  May God guard her/his tongue from speaking evil of any kind.  1 Corinthians 12:1-11;  James 3:10  May they use the Sword of the Holy Spirit, the Word of God in all power and authority). 

Make the Sign of the Cross on their Shoulders:
Ask that they may be yoked with Jesus.  (Jesus, you said, “Come to me all you who labor and are overburdened and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am meek and humble of heart and you will find rest for your souls.”  Please help them to give you every burden and have rest and healing in the deepest part of their souls – their memory, will, and intellect.  Matthew 11:28-30)

Make the Sign of the Cross over their heart:
Ask God to give them a new heart that is purified by the fire of the Holy Spirit and filled with His love.  (Please give her/him a heart of compassion and mercy and the ability to love as Jesus loves.  Psalm 51:10  May they have upon them the Breastplate of Righteousness and wear the Belt of Truth and may fountains of living water flow from them.  John 7:38).

Make the Sign of the Cross on their arms:
Ask God to give them arms willing to be lifted up in surrender to Him.  (Please strengthen their arms for service, Lord.  Enable them to never be ashamed to lift their arms in praise to you.  1 Timothy 2:8). 

Make the Sign of the Cross on their hands:
Ask God to bless their hands with the gifts of Healing, Helping others.  (May they be enabled to hold up the Shield of Faith to put out the burning arrows of the evil one. Mark 16:18; Ephesians 6:10-18)  Lord, you have used these hands for many tasks thus far in their life, will you please now make these hands holy by your love.  May these hands comfort, help, and heal.)

Make the Sign of the Cross on their feet:
Ask God to bless their feet.  (Please enable her/him to carry the Good News the Gospel of Peace.  “How precious on the mountains are the feet of the ones who bring the Good News” Isaiah 52:7 Please keep their feet from stumbling.  Psalm 56:13  Take their feet out of the miry clay and set them on the Rock.  Psalm 40:1-2)
After this prayer ask them to pray in tongues with you.  (Instruct them to make a sound, or hum and then make syllable sounds – the Holy Spirit will take over with a prayer language.)  Help them begin by praying in tongues and asking them to join you.  When you stop praying in tongues, ask them to wait in silence to listen to the Lord.  If they sense the Lord is impressing a thought on their mind or if they have a vision or a scripture comes to mind, ask them to speak it out – this is a prophetic word.)  When we ‘hear’ God it is usually an internal sense in our hearts and thoughts.

If you receive any Words from the Lord, visions, images, thought, words of guidance or wisdom, then this is time to tell them.  If you think further prayer is necessary for healing – then continue the prayer for the specific need.  Sometimes God will give you a scripture to encourage them – please write it down for them to take home and look up. 

End the prayer with a blessing of God’s grace and mercy to be upon them. 

(If you wish, use Isaiah’s prayer.)

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon you, for the Lord has anointed you.  He sends you to bring good news to the poor, to bind up hearts that are broken, to proclaim liberty to captives, freedom to those in prison; to proclaim a year of favor from the Lord, a day of vengeance for our God.  To comfort all those who mourn and to give them for ashes a garland; for mourning robe the oil of gladness, for despondency, praise.  You will be called an oak of righteousness, planted by the Lord to glorify Him.”  Isaiah 61:1-3

(At this point, it sometimes happens that if they have been standing, they may rest in the Spirit – it may also happen when they are sitting – but if they are standing have someone behind them to catch them.  I like to be seated at the beginning of the prayer if possible). 

Saint Augustine's Blessing:

May the Lord Jesus Christ be With you
That He may Defend you.
Within you that He may Sustain you.
Before you that He may Lead you.
Behind you that He may Protect you.
Above you that He may Bless you.
In the Name of the Father,
And of the Son
And of the Holy Spirit.

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