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Clouds in Sky
Miracle Stories- November
1st Story

The Bible Dictionary describes a miracle as a marvelous event, or an event which causes wonder.  I thought about the miracles in my life and in the lives of family members.  The first being life itself and our wonderfully-made bodies created by God.  We read in scripture, “You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13).”  My grandson’s sight improved from 20/200 with glasses (legally blind) to 20/60 with glasses; it was a great answer to prayer—the blind to see.  My brother’s hip replacement has transformed his quality of life—the lame to walk.  My younger brother returned to the church which is now the most important thing to him—spiritual healing.

My husband had successful cancer surgery and the means to keep his body in check with the miracle of modern medicine and faithful doctors to care for the sick.  Another miracle of faith is my cousin’s preparation for death and her belief that she is loved and will meet her Savior after death.  And the most stunning miracle is the miracle of God’s grace.  Jesus’ life, death and resurrection for us—a ransom for our sins.  No one can surpass this gift.

Titus 2:11, 13-14 states, “For the grace of God has appeared saving all as we await the blessed hope, the appearance of the glory of the great God and of our Savior Jesus Christ who gives Himself for us to deliver us from all lawlessness and to cleanse for Himself a people as his own eager to do what is good.”  I thank God each day for a new beginning, forgiveness, answer to prayer, and the immense love that could only come from Him.

I also believe a miracle healing happened to me at the WCF Retreat several years ago.  Prior to going to the retreat, I had suffered from back pain for about a year.  It was very bothersome, especially at night.  I would wake up in the night and be in so much pain, praying that God would remove it.

I remember being at the retreat and waiting for a blessing from Father Barry.  He laid hands on me and prayed that I be healed from back pain, because the pain would wake me up at four a.m. each night.  I couldn’t believe what he was saying!  He did not know that I had this condition and for him to pinpoint the exact time I would wake up each night was amazing.

Needless to say, I was completely healed.  I know God heals and when He does, He heals completely.

2nd Story

In the summer of 1998 I was visiting a friend in Vaughn, New Mexico, the little town where I was born and raised and that I visited every year.  My friend and I were making the rounds visiting all the friends we had gone to school with.  The first place we stopped was Gilbert and Helen’s.  We didn’t know until we arrived at their home that Gilbert was very ill.  All his children had been called because they thought he was about to die.  He hadn’t eaten for days.

My friend said to me, “Why don’t you pray for Gilbert?”  I knew Gilbert had strong faith; he attended daily Mass and since his business was right across from the Catholic Church, everyone would see him make several trips to the Church each day to pray.  We prayed for Gilbert.  I blessed him with oil that we received at WCF which had been blessed by Fr. Mike for lay people to use in these kinds of instances.

As I laid my hands on Gilbert, I felt the Holy Spirit come over Gilbert and me.  I knew that the Holy Spirit was speaking through me.  I felt that God was really doing something, because each time I blessed him, he would bless himself and tears were streaming down his face.  When we finished praying, he got up and said, “I’m hungry.”  He ate, got up and himself dressed.

I never before felt as humble and excited as I did when I witnessed the power of God that restored Gilbert through simple heartfelt prayer.  The Lord gave Gilbert seven more years of life.  A few months after the prayer, I called to see how Gilbert was doing and my friend said, “He is like a billy goat running all over the place, don’t worry about him!”  And I said, “Praise God for healing Gilbert!”

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