Women's Christian Fellowship
May Devotional
Week 1
“They went then to a place named Gethsemani. ‘Sit down here while I pray,’ he said to his disciples; at the same time he took along with him Peter, James, and John. Then he began to be filled with fear and distress. He said to them, ‘My heart is filled with sorrow to the point of death. Remain here and stay awake.’” Mark 14:32-34
I had been going to Perpetual Adoration every Monday for several years after hearing the pleas of a traveling priest to answer Jesus’ call to the apostles. The priest had assured us that the adorers and the church would receive many blessings. I had indeed received many blessings, but did not truly experience God in the Exposition until I learned of my father’s terminal cancer.
I could find no peace anywhere and cried anxiously until I arrived at my Monday morning Adoration. When I knelt before the Blessed Sacrament, a wave of peace flooded over me. I felt that if a bomb were to explode outside, I would be safe there with the Lord. Jesus’ words rang in my ears, “I am with you always, until the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20). I realized that although I had to go through the pain of my father’s upcoming death, I would not be alone. Jesus would be with me all the way.
-Sue K.
Week 2
“For I know well the plans I have in mind for you say the Lord, plans for your welfare not for woe! Plans to give you a future full of hope.” Jeremiah 29:11
My experience with faith in God was tested when my husband died in 1971. While at a Little League baseball game, he had pain in his arms and chest. We took him to the hospital. Heart specialists were called and he was put into intensive care. I called our parish priest and my husband was anointed.
When I went to see him the next day, he was looking so good and radiant. He told me that all he had to do was die and he was there. He was so happy, I thought he was on the mend but that night he died.
I knew that God had a plan for me. My son was eleven, so I became a single mom—not my choice. So I waited for God’s plan to happen. Throughout my life He provided for me and my family. Though there were many crises, He was there to see me through them.
-Vickie F.
Week 3
“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1
Faith in God means freedom from fear. Throughout my daily life my faith has given me courage. God’s promise to be with me always increases my faith and trust in His words.
I believe when God says, “Fear not, I am with you,” He will be and I am not dismayed. Consume my fear, dear God, with the fire of your love, so I may continually radiate hope to those around me and witness to the faith I have in you.
-Vickie F.
Week 4
“The human mind plans the way but the Lord directs the steps.” Proverbs 16:9
Dear Jesus, I want to thank you for all You have done for my family and me. I don’t know as a human being that I can tell You how grateful I am. All that I have, all that I am, is from You. You are always surprising me with circumstances or things I didn’t even think of. You are truly a dear loving Father always caring for me and mine, Your children. I ask for forgiveness when I have been impatient and not trusted.
You directed me to WCF so I could come close to You, become more intimate, and allow You to become my personal friend. I can read and speak Your word and through the Holy Spirit understand more fully the true meanings. These words fill me with courage, strength and hope. They become my daily thoughts so I can remain close to You always.
I love You, Jesus. Help me to love You more. I believe; increase my faith. May I feel Your loving presence, Your hand holding mine. Let me keep in step with You, stay on the same path, focus only on You. When things of this world distract me, nudge me a little so I can see only the true path in this life. Allow me to always feel Your joy, peace and love. Thank You. Thank You. I love You.
-Vickie F.