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February Devotional

Week 1

“Then they laid hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.”  Acts 8:17

After the Lord healed me from alcoholism, I was really feeling great!  I went to visit my daughter who lived in Illinois.  She had made plans to go on a weekend retreat and included me in her weekend.  I agreed to go on the retreat weekend and never realized it would be life changing for me.

I was not prepared for people around me to raise their hands when they sang and prayed or for people to be slain in the Spirit.  I wasn’t sure I agreed with all that was going on, but by the next day, I was asked if I wanted to invite Jesus to come into my heart and be my personal Savior.  I said: “Yes!”  The group laid hands on me and prayed, and I did receive Jesus into my heart by the power of His Holy Spirit.

What joy I had!  I cried the rest of the weekend from joy.  God also healed terrible swelling and pain in my hands from arthritis, and I was slain in the Spirit.  I was so filled with joy I could have flown home without the airplane.  Praise God!  Have you every invited Jesus into your heart?  “For as many as received Him, He gave power to become children of God.”  (John 1:12)

-Florence Grubb

Week 2

“I tell you, therefore, everything you ask and pray for, believe that you have it already, and it will be yours.”  Mark 11:24

I was raised as a Catholic Christian and have a deep faith in God.  Attending Women's Christian Fellowship and studying the Word has enriched my faith.  I believe if we pray and believe and stand firm, God will answer our prayers.

My faith was put to the test when my grandson, David, had a bone marrow transplant.  After six months he contracted three viruses in his lungs.  The doctors didn't expect him to live.  They said no one had survived when they contracted the viruses he had.  But I know God promises if we pray in belief, He will answer.  Let me tell you, I prayed and prayed and believed with all my heart and soul that God could and would heal my grandson.

Though there were many dark and frightening times, God answered my prayers with a Yes and David is a walking miracle today!  Jesus said:  “I tell you most solemnly, if two of you on earth agree to ask anything at all, it will be granted to you by my Father in heaven.” (Matthew 18:19)  I am so grateful to all the believers who prayed and believed God’s Word with me and my family!

-Florence Grubb

Week 3

“When you call to me and come to plead with me I will listen to you.”  Jeremiah 29:12

Before I knew Jesus in a personal way, I was very prideful, controlling, and easily offended.  I was not a very happy person.  I was distant from people, even my husband and God.  I was broken-hearted, weary and discouraged.  These things manifested in my life in different ways:  I was critical of my neighbors.  I thought they should stay home and keep order, instead of visiting each other.  Even when our children were grown adults and married, I was still telling them how to live their lives.  I took offense to certain things that were said and harbored the hurt within me instead of letting go.  This is how Satan held me in bondage.

One day, I came home from one of my many meetings, totally exhausted from carrying these heavy burdens and a sense of desperation took over.  I fell to my knees and cried: “I need you God, please help me!”  He heard my desperate plea, and I heard Him say:  “Helen, humble yourself in the sight of the Lord.”  I fell prostrate and began sobbing uncontrollably for what seemed a very long time.  The moment I stopped, I experienced the most incredible overwhelming love.  A healing love surged through me and God restored my heart.

-Helen B

Week 4

“Now your word is a lamp to my feet, a light on my path.”  Psalm 119:105

In 1979 my husband was relocated to General Dynamics, San Diego, at the request of Ken Lake, who had moved a year earlier.  In our house hunting Angie and I found two houses next door to each other that were the last to be sold in the development.  Our dear friend, Nancy, and her husband, Andy, also moved from the previous area to San Diego.

We were settled in only a few months when Angie encouraged us to attend a prayer meeting she was having in her home.  As we read scripture and prayed with one another, our desire to learn about Jesus grew.  It was at one such meeting, I confessed my sinfulness and invited Jesus to make His home in my heart.  I received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.  I was like a new baby totally dependent on my Father’s care.

God revealed to me that one of Satan’s best tools is discouragement.  I can now recognize that discouragement is from the enemy.  In the power of the Holy Spirit I have the authority to bind discouragement and command it to leave in Jesus’ name.  He replaced my fear with courage.  He healed my broken heart through His own brokenness.  I was weary and He gave me strength.  Not only did He set me free, He made something beautiful of my life.

-Helen B.

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