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Clouds in Sky
Miracle Stories- March
1st Story

In August, during my prayer time I heard the Lord say to me, “I love you, please don’t be afraid, remember a miracle is coming, a miracle that is going to change things for you.”  He had given me a similar word earlier in the summer.  At the time I had no expectation for what that miracle would be or even whether I could trust it was really from Him.

Shortly after that word, in early August, I found out that my younger sister, who I dearly loved, was having fertility problems and could not conceive.  They so wanted a child, but after not conceiving, their doctor recommended in-vitro fertilization.  However, these treatments ended up not working—none of her husband’s sperm fertilized her eggs.  There was an incompatibility between her husband’s sperm and her eggs, such that the sperm was unable to penetrate the egg.  They were devastated.

The doctor said they could try a brand new procedure that might work—in which a tiny opening would be made within the egg to facilitate the penetration by the sperm.  They did not know what to do—the treatments were expensive, they made her sick, and she was having more and more trouble dealing with the moral implications of the fertility process.

I was devastated for her.  My family lives far from me that I could not physically be present with them, and I wanted to be with her to comfort her.  Prayer was all I could do for her.  So I set aside time to pray for her, and I heard a word from the Lord right away.

“Trust My voice within you.  I am calling you to be used by Me in a special way today.  Call your sister.  Tell her how much you love her.  Tell her how much I love her, and that because you love her, you want to risk sharing Me with her, and that this is hard for you to do.

Tell her:  To come to Me.  To give it all to Me.  To lay open her whole being and to give me the sins of her past.  I will forgive her.  I am not punishing her.  I love her.  She has a right to come before Me and ask Me for a miracle.  I am the God of power and might, creator and taker of all life.  Ask Me and it shall be given.”

He told me to bless her over the phone, to bind all the darkness from her past, and tell her to go to the Lord in prayer.

I was very afraid to do this, but I called her that morning and did exactly what the Lord asked me to do.  My sister was stunned.  She cried and told me that she had just that week made a decision not to go to church anymore, because she felt that all she was doing was praying to God for a child and it was wrong to go just for that reason.  She realized from this word that He was telling her to keep coming to Mass and to keep praying.  We talked about any unforgiveness she had in her life that she should confess to the Lord.  When I got off the phone, she said she would pray and go back to church that week.  She was still uncertain about what to do about the fertility procedures, and said she would pray.

The following Sunday, I was at Mass, and the first reading was God’s promise to Sarah and Abraham that Sarah would conceive in her old age.  Our priest spoke on having faith in all sorts of difficult situations.  As I was sitting there, I realized that my sister, if she returned to Mass, would hear the same reading.

She called me and told me how when she was at Mass and she heard the reading, she felt that God was speaking directly to her.  Her priest spoke on having faith in impossible situations, and he focused in his homily specifically on not being able to have children.  She made the decision then and there to not proceed with any more fertility treatments and to trust that God would allow her to conceive.

I asked for prayer support from Angie and the leaders at WCF during our leader’s meeting.  I waited, and later in  August  the Lord reminded me again of the miracle I was going to witness, and how it would change my life, He said, “My experience of His power in this miracle will be matched by my experience of His love for me. I will see my part in this miracle and how I am weaved within His fabric—a fabric made with strong fibers whose beauty reflects His glory.”  Again in September, He reminded me that “He would make a miracle”. And this time, He said, “In my sister’s life, and that I would know His love for me and be transformed by it.”

In October, I was overjoyed to hear that my sister was pregnant! She got pregnant the month after we prayed and she made the decision to stop all fertility treatments. When she called me, she said she knew she was pregnant before the test confirmed it.  Praise be to our Lord—for His gift to me and to her!  She delivered a healthy boy. And as God promised in His word to me, this miracle came into my life at a time when I was just beginning to listen to the Lord and trust His word within me.  The gift to know that He does speak to me was transforming for me.  It encouraged me to trust what I heard in prayer, and to obey it.  When I have doubts and despair, I remember the miracle of my sister’s son, and I am filled with His faith, hope and love. I thank and praise God again for this miracle in my life, and am grateful for the chance to share it with you.

2nd Story

I would like to tell you my story of a time when I was a happy, faith-filled Protestant Christian, whose life was about to make a drastic change, as I began to study Gods word and yield to the power of His Holy Spirit.  God’s Word tells us in Joel 3:1, “I shall pour out my spirit on all humanity.  Your sons and daughters shall prophesy, the old shall dream dreams and the young see visions.”  This is just one part of the gifts of the Holy Spirit given by God.

On February 17, 1994, I was awakened at 11:20 p.m. from a sound sleep; I began to pray and a vision came to me.  I could see myself sitting in the back of a small church with a very bright altar up front.  I could see Jesus, and He said to me, “Come,” and suddenly I felt a wind pick me up and draw me forward towards Him.  I heard Him say, “No longer be satisfied sitting in the back, my child, come close to me.  I am here on the altar.”

Then on the morning of March 3, 1994, about 9 a.m., I was early for our regular Thursday meeting at WCF.  Mass was being held at this time in our meeting place, so I slipped into the back of the church to wait for Mass to end and our meeting to begin.  Father Coleman was just beginning the celebration of the Eucharist, tradition passed down through the Catholic Church for over 2000 years, stated from scripture in 1 Corinthians 11:23-25.  He held up the bread and proclaimed Christ’s words at the Last Supper, “This is my body which is for you.”  Then he lifted up the cup and said, “This cup is the new convent in my blood.”

At that very moment, the Host (bread) illuminated before my eyes as bright as the sun, then changed into a beating human heart red as blood, and began to drip into the cup.  I could hardly breathe, yet I could hear Jesus say, “Come eat of this bread and drink of this cup.”  From this experience I found myself regularly attending Mass.  I knew at that moment that Jesus was truly real in the presence of bread and wine.  As it is written in John 6:53; 55-56, Jesus said, “In all truth I tell you if you do not eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.  For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives in me and I live in them.”  At that time I knew God was calling me into the Roman Catholic Church.

After these visions, a Mass was held for me on May 11, 1995, celebrated by Father Michael Barry, and I entered into the Roman Catholic Church.  As I continue to grow in my faith, I am still blessed with many visions and prophetic words. I would like to share these last words with you to encourage you in your faith.  Jesus said to Thomas in John 20:29, “You believe because you can see me. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.”


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